Friday, August 21, 2009


What is a noun? -
- a noun is a word that is used to define a person, animal or living object, place, thing or quality.

Types of nouns

a) Common Nouns - general nouns
- for example : bus, book, doctor, bird, hospital, etc.

b) Countable Nouns - nouns that can be counted,
- for example : girl - girls, ox - oxen, lady - ladies, watch - watches, etc.

c) Uncountable Nouns - nouns that can't be counted,
- for example : sugar, milk, hair, etc.

d) Collective Nouns - nouns that refer to a group of things or people
- for example : a bouquet of flowers, a swarm of bees, a band of musicians, etc.

e) Proper Nouns - nouns that refer to a specific name of a person, corporation, company, product,
- for example : Ramli, Acer, Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Proton Wira, etc.

f) Concrete Nouns - a noun that is a physical object, something that can be touched and seen,
- for example : fish, school, desk, television, etc.

g) Abstract Nouns - a noun is not a physical object, it can't be touched physically. They are ideas and feelings
- for example : honesty, happiness, joy, beauty, etc.

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